

Preaching from the Bible alone
We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Displaying 476 - 500 of 984

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/19/20 "The Decitfulness of Sin' John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 07_19_20_Sermon.mp3
07/12/20 "Read the Instructions, Follow the Examples, and Become an Example for Others" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 07_012_20_Sermon.mp3
07/05/20 "Is Anything Too Difficult for the Lord?" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 07_05_20_Sermon.mp3
06/28/20 "What People Need to See From You During a Storm" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 06_28_20_Sermon.mp3
06/21/20 "What Have These Times Revealed About Your Faith" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 06_21_20_Sermon.mp3
06/14/20 "What God Requires, God Provides" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 06_14_20_Sermon.mp3 06_07_20_Sermon.mp3
06/07/20 "Manifold Grace" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM
05/31/20 "Grace is not..." John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 05_31_20_Sermon.mp3
05/24/20 "Praise of Grace" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 05_24_20_Sermon.mp3
05/10/20 "Check Yourself" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 05_10_20_SERMON.mp3
05/03/20 Worship services John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 050320Sermon.mp3
03/08/20 "Get the Whole Story" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 03_08_20_SERMON.mp3
03/08/20 LS - "Can You Drink the Cup I Drink?" Steven Matia N/A Sun AM 03_08_20_LS.mp3
03/01/20 "No Excuses: The Power to Mature" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM no_excuses.pptx 03_01_20_SERMON.mp3
03/01/20 LS - "Saved from Wrath" (Part 6) John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 03_01_20_LS.mp3
02/23/20 LS John Chapter 13 Eric Crump N/A Sun AM 02_23_20_LS.mp3
02/23/20 "The Goodness of God" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_23_20_SERMON.mp3
02/16/20 "A Sin Not Leading To Death" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_16_20_SERMON.mp3
02/16/20 Ls -"The Love of God Poured Out Whithin Our Heart" (Part 5) John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_16_20_LS.mp3
02/09/20 "Investment Advice from Jeremiah" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_09_20_SERMON.mp3
02/09/20 LS - "Results of Justification, We Exult" (part 4) John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_09_20_LS.mp3
02/02/20 "The Bravery of Ebed-Melech" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_02_20_SERMON.mp3
02/02/20 LS - "Introduction by Faith" (Romans 5:1-11 part 3) John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 02_02_20_LS.mp3
01/26/20 "Who Can Stand in the Day of the Lord" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 01_26_20_SERMON.mp3
01/26/20 LS - "Results of Justification part 2, We Have Peace With God" John Guzzetta N/A Sun AM 01_26_LS.mp3

Displaying 476 - 500 of 984

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